Taburet Tripod

Acest obiect s-a nascut în urma unui concurs de design avand ca tema motive traditionale din zona balcanica. Raspunsul nostru la aceasta tema a fost un design contemporan inspirat de scaunul traditional cu 3 picioare. La asamblarea lemnului s-au utilizat doar imbinari lemn lemn iar finisarea s-a facut cu ulei de in si bait natural.
Dimensiuni D33cmxh40cm, masa 4 kg.


This object was born following a design competition with the theme of traditional motifs in the Balkans. Our response to this issue was a contemporary design inspired by traditional chair. When making the seat we used traditional techniques.The assembly was made using only carpentry joints and the finishing was done using linseed oil and natural stain.
Dimensions D33cmxh40cm, weight 4kg.